Saturday, October 8, 2011

It's O V E R.......

        It’s over. This is one phrase that we associate with anything that has ended. It is music to one’s ears, when we speak of the end of suffering or misery. But an unfamiliar and dreaded resonance, when it comes to the end of something we thought was beautiful. This phrase applies to anything that has reached its inevitable finality. Depending on the situation, either we say it with relief, or with sorrow. Either we say it with a gratifying smile, or with poignant tears welling in our eyes.

        It’s over. This phrase is commonly uttered after the demise of a relationship. Ending a relationship is not easy as 1-2-3, for it entails the uncoiling of the intertwined souls of two people. Naks! A relationship is something intangible. It is not like an object that you can simply throw out of the window when you are done with it, or when it has already served its purpose.  Being intangible, a broken relationship cannot be mended through mechanical means, unlike a gadget that you can easily send back to your dealer for repair. So how does one deal with it? Through intangible means as well - our emotions, memories, thoughts, and our little conversations with our selves, and with our God. We play with these tools, to help us pick up the pieces, and get ourselves back to our senses.

        It’s over. When a relationship is already beyond repair, then it’s over. Love could still be lingering in your hearts. Hope could still be seeping into the crevices of your consciousness. But not enough anymore to fix the damage. I know that things are easier said than done. But consider this: you cannot be troubleshooting the whole time! Maybe the relationship has seen its better days, and is already headed towards the drain. It will take some while before one can get over it. The only antidote I guess, is the passage of time. As hackneyed as it may sound, but time heals all wounds. We really do not forget though. But we learn how to live with it, and move on with our lives, as we open new chapters in our life book.  

        It’s over. The past few days saw me on the brink of shouting this out to the whole world. I don’t know what hit me. It just came all too suddenly which led me to be gravely disappointed over something. Being the impulsive person that I could be sometimes, I thought of dropping things like hot potatoes. Very painful, but something that I had to do nonetheless. And there is no turning back if I may add. Such is life. There are bitter pills that we all have to learn how to gobble up. Nigauri is good for the health, right?

        It’s over. Should you say this, then you must have the valor to stand by it. With finality, and with a clear broth of conscience.  There are words that cannot be taken back anymore. Perhaps, the two of you are not meant for each other. God's wisdom can never be fathomed even with the most complicated mathematical calculation. It will hurt the two of you for sure, but something that both of you have to accept. Ending a relationship could be a mutual decision, or one that is initiated by either party. Whatever the circumstance, when it is over, then it's over.......THE END. 

(photos by Javes Consul)

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