Saturday, October 27, 2012

Unhappy Dogs.......

        I have thought of writing about this one before, but simply did not have enough motivation to do so. But what pulled the trigger so to speak, was when I saw this morning a front page picture of dogs wearing Halloween costumes on a daily broadsheet we subscribe to. Honestly, I did not find it cute. I have come across a myriad of pictures of dogs in the past wearing outlandish costumes and did not find them cute either. If I were a dog, I would bite my owner if he or she will try to put a costume on me.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Timely Prayer.......

Have we been including Mother Nature in our prayer intentions?

         Mother Nature has been providing us with all our basic needs – such as air, water, and sunshine among many other things. But Man has become so ungrateful to her, through the omission of acts that will care for her, and through the commission of acts that continuously destroy her. The recent years saw us in the middle of Mother Nature’s fury. And in the middle of such, we prayed hard to God for our dear lives and possessions - the only thing that we can do that time. 

Sunday, October 14, 2012


        Even the most impatient person on earth will agree that patience is a virtue. I define patience as the ability to endure the passage of time, coupled with the determination to face all trials in the pursuit of a desirable end or goal. To put it simply, it is our capacity to wait and endure. One will not be able to appreciate this virtue if that person will not figure in a situation where his or her patience will be put to an extreme test.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


      Once a teacher enters the classroom, it is already a given that he or she should be accorded the respect due him or her, by virtue of being in a position of authority. Respect, however, is not gained instantly, though we have the universal prescription that every person must be respected outright, since the former is a human being and a creation of God. Respect is not given to us on a silver platter, for it is something that we have to earn and work hard for. But what is the easiest way to get respect? The shortest path to it is to respect others, so that we will be respected in return.