Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Timely Prayer.......

Have we been including Mother Nature in our prayer intentions?

         Mother Nature has been providing us with all our basic needs – such as air, water, and sunshine among many other things. But Man has become so ungrateful to her, through the omission of acts that will care for her, and through the commission of acts that continuously destroy her. The recent years saw us in the middle of Mother Nature’s fury. And in the middle of such, we prayed hard to God for our dear lives and possessions - the only thing that we can do that time. 

      Mother Nature taught us lessons that we will never ever forget, by metamorphosing air into strong winds, water into fast rising floods, and sunshine into extreme heat and drought. In other words, Mother Nature can turn our basic needs into something that will destroy us too. Let us keep in mind that neglecting our environment is tantamount to neglecting our very own lives, and the lives of future generations.

      So allow me to share with you a wonderful prayer for one of God’s creations, Mother Nature, which is first and foremost a prayer for protection from her wrath of which Man's neglect is responsible for.......

Almighty Father, we raise our minds and hearts to You in gratitude for the wonders of creation which we are part, for Your providence in sustaining us and our needs, and for Your wisdom that guides the course of the universe. We acknowledge our sins against you and the rest of creation. We have not been good stewards of nature. We have confused Your command to subdue the earth. The environment is made to suffer our wrongdoing, and now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference. Typhoons, heavy rains occur in increasing number and intensity.

We turn to You, our loving Father, and beg forgiveness for our sins. We ask that we, our loved ones and our hard earned possessions be spared from the threat of calamities, natural and manmade. We beseech You to inspire us all to grow into responsible stewards of Your creation and generous neighbors to those in need.


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