Sunday, September 4, 2011

Feelin' .......

        Of all the colors in the palette, blue is that which is commonly associated with sadness. A song even goes by the line bluer than blue, sadder than sad. I don’t think there is any scientific or logical explanation for this correlation. But nonetheless, one is inclined to say I am feeling blue whenever sadness sets in.

        Sadness is the reverse of happiness. In Western tradition, these two concepts oppose each other just like other word opposites, for their meanings are indisputably poles apart. But here in the East, they complement each other instead. Yin and Yang are two forces in the universe which represent negativity and positivity respectively. But despite their obvious disparity, they are compatible bed mates since they play complementary roles. Sadness falls under Yin, while happiness falls under Yang. They create a certain balance since we appreciate happiness more if we have experienced sorrow or grief. The more we feel blessed if we have experienced dispossession. The more we are grateful for our success if we have failed previously. In other words, the Yin and Yang denote each other. One cannot exist without the other.

        Life is an endless roller coaster ride. Life could be one bumpy journey. A smooth ride is not always exciting, right? Consider a salad, that has to be tossed in order to get some dressing. In the wheel of life, sometimes we are up, and sometimes we are down. It is a cycle that can be very dizzying, but such is the nature of life. In the final analysis, life is not always rosy as red. Life is not always painted with bright hues. Sometimes, we need dark hues in order for the bright ones to come out, and stand out.

        Sometimes, I have trepidation about being happy for I have an inkling as to what might follow next. What comes after sunrise? What comes after life? Sunset and death correspondingly. A flower will wilt eventually. A fruit will putrefy in due course. A river can run dry in the long run. Call me an unyielding pessimist if you want. Today you are happy. Then tomorrow, something might just upset you. I have experienced this a number of times, to such an extent that I have come to dread happiness. I would rather be upset, so that disappointments and trials will not ruin me anymore, as I am already in a disconcerted position to begin with. There is nothing else to mess up! I try not to be negative though, for I try my darn best to look at the brighter side of things. 

        But not too bright my dear, for I may not see it. 

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