Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Quarantine Thoughts (1) : Slow Down

A very serious global health scare which prompted our government to lock us all up in our homes has reminded me of one thing - God is telling us to slow down.

And this is most especially true for individuals out there who have been working all their lives, literally and figuratively.

Perhaps, God is telling us that in all the years that we have been very busy with our respective endeavors, hurrying to beat deadlines, going home late and all, we have lost track of time and in the process, have forgotten about other areas or aspects in our life which also need our attention, such as our health and family.

Let us take advantage of this time of just being  at home to take care of ourselves physically, and even mentally. Allow our bodies to rest and recharge by getting enough sleep and eating nutritious food. Let us do some simple exercises and get some sunshine as well. Through this, we are also keeping the troublesome virus at bay.

And finally, let us take advantage of this time by simply being with our family – like engaging in meaningful and funny conversations with them, taking that trip down memory lane, and having meals all together for example. Let us all make up for lost time, and reconnect.

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