Sunday, May 8, 2011

Not Meant To Be........ by JTF Solivar

         Not meant to be. This may either sound thwarting or comforting depending on which side of the coin you are tossed from. But the former is the usual sentiment of people when confronted by it.  It simply means that there are things that are not bound to happen, or things that are not meant for us. I liken this to a bitter pill that is hard to swallow. But reality bites, that there are things that are yes, not meant to be.

         Sometimes, if not most of the time, the things that we want for ourselves are very unattainable no matter how hard we try. For some reason, we simply could not get hold of them. It can be frustrating I know. But have you thought of the idea that perhaps, those things are not meant for us? Have you tried reaching for a fruit on a tree but simply could not get it no matter how high you have gone up?
        I believe that if something is meant for you, then you don’t have to struggle much in order to achieve it. I am not saying though that it will be served to you on a silver platter. Or that it will just fall on your lap. We still have to put forth some effort in order to achieve what we want. No pain, no gain. But my point is, if something is meant for us, then fate will make sure that it will sprint to our direction, resulting to a beautiful collision of some sort. Things happening in accordance to some divine master plan? 

         But why is it the case that the things that we want, are not the things meant for us? This is truly a paradox or an absurdity. If only there is an exact congruence between what we want, and that actual object, or person for that matter, then I am sure that this world will be full of glee and positivity. Sadly, there is none. The things that we want are sometimes those that are very hard to pin down. Very elusive, that is. But we do not mind chasing them and going crazy running after them. Have you tried catching a pretty butterfly but could not scoop it with your big net?


        Man aspired for the moon and everybody thought this is unachievable until 1969. Filipinos lost hope in achieving democracy until 1986. But if something is not bound to happen, then it simply won’t. No harm in trying though.  Who knows? We do not hold the future anyway. As they say, it is better to have tried than never to have tried at all. But sadly, after giving it your best shot, you sometimes end up with nothing. In pursuit of  something or someone, you sometimes end up staring at a blank wall. In short, not meant for you. You feel crushed, and feel that the world has caved in on you. But such is life. Have you tried becoming a member of a varsity team but did not make the cut no matter how good an athlete you are?

         Life can be full of surprises. One’s journey can have unexpected turns and detours. Have you tried buying a pair of shoes that is better than what you initially wanted for yourself? Have you stumbled upon a nice shirt, way nicer than what you really wanted to buy? Sometimes, beautiful things come unexpectedly. If a door closes, then a window might just open for you. Do not look far ahead, for you could be missing those that are near you, and those within your reach. A star will forever be unreachable.

         If things do not happen the way you plan them, or if things do not come your way, then they are not meant for you. Period.  This entire post could be merely lip service for I know that things are easier said than done.  Saying things and doing things are entirely two different things. But consider this: God knows in his infinite wisdom what is best for you. Maybe God has something better in store for us. It is just a matter of time. San Mig Light anyone?


  1. Nice blog!

    I completely agree!

    "The best is yet to come. The last page has not been written!" (Pastor Paul Tan-Chi's Sunday message on May 8, 2011.)

  2. I think a shot of patron will do the job!

    Thank you once again, for enlightening me; you write very well!
    This is one of the reasons why all of the phil-ams enjoys to have you as their professor.

  3. Thank you Camille for the nice words! Cheers!

    I hope the others will also sign-up to this blog: John, Jennifer, Randoph, Abby.......

  4. Hi Miss Jude! The best is yet to come...tamaaaa!

  5. haay... so sad but true. It hurts when reality bites that one thing or one person is not meant for you. But then again, we should always trust that God has a better plan for all of us.

  6. This made me cry! But it was really good though. :-) Very nice and inspiring words, Sir. :-)

  7. Maybe what we want is not what is in store for us. I guess we cannot question God'd wisdom.

    Hi Soul how are you? Hope everything is fine. Glad that this post affected you somehow, but in a positive manner. Thank you for visiting my blog!

  8. So true!I want to express my sincere gratitude.
    Thank you so much for sharing sir!=)You made me realized that there's more to life =)
